General information about Irkutsk and Lake Baikal
Irkutsk is a very important Siberian city. It's situated 60 km from the shore of the Lake Baikal - the largest freshwater lake.
Time zone: UTC +8
Temperature in winter: average low -22C (from late September till April negative temperatures with lots of snow)
Temperature in summer: +18 C
Warnings and Dangers visiting Irkutsk and Lake Baikal
If you visit Irkutsk or the Lake Baikal during winter please keep in mind that starting from October the temperature can easily drop down under -30C. Take with you thermo wear and plan your filming accordingly.
Make sure you always carry your passport with you.
Don't walk on the ice without getting advice from local guides
Tap water is not drinkable
Filming permits for filming in Irkutsk and at the Lake Baikal
Filming inside the city and on the shores of the lake is possible. Some parts of the lake are National Parks and for filming there a permit from local authorities is required.
For filming over the ice of Lake Baikal the assistance of local Emercom officers is recommended. We can make all the ice tests required by your insurance company. We are familiar with making a risk assesment for ice filmings and our fixers have the skills and knowledge for making the measurements of the ice.
Key locations and landmarks in Irkutsk, Lake Baikal and in the area
District 130 (130 Kvartal), Znamensky Monastery, Baikal Lake, Olkhon Island, Railroad around Baikal, Trans-Siberian railroad
Our company can propose you some exclusive filming locations in Irkutsk and Lake Baikal:
Sled dog kennels, meeting a real shaman, driving off-road on the ice of the Baikal Lake, local wooden houses
Filming at the Olkhon Island
Black ice and stunning ice caves
GULAG camps leftovers north from lake Baikal
Filming equipment rental in Irkutsk and at the Lake Baikal Area
As there's no local TV production the only things available for rental here are basic lights (Dedolight) and generators. All other filming equipment has to be brought from Moscow or Saint Petersburg.
How to get to Irkutsk and Lake Baikal
Direct international flights from Harbin and Bangkok
If you are flying to Irkutsk from any other city - we recommend choosing a connection flight through Moscow, especially if you are bringing into the country filming equipment using the Carnet system. Make the customs clearance in Moscow.
Our services in Irkutsk and on the Lake Baikal
Our company has a very big filming experience in this area. We cooperate with local guides and fixers that organize adventure outdoor trips on Baikal Lake and perfectly know the area. We can realize a location scouting, find out which filming permits are needed and get them, provide you with all the needed transport. For the production period, a production manager or a fixer from our company will gladly join your filming crew on location.
We'll help you find local talents and to film local traditional houses and cuisine. Film production of any complexity is possible here.
More information about filming in Irkutsk and at the Lake Baikal area can be found our partner website Filmspb.TV