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General information about Yamal peninsula and Salekhard

  • Salekhard is the closest town to the polar circle. In the region, nomadic reindeer husbandry is very well preserved.

  • Time zone:  UTC+5

  • Winter average temperature: -28 C

  • Summer average temperature: +13 C

Warnings and Dangers visiting Yamal peninsula and Salekhard

  • Make sure you carry your passport with you.

  • Tap water is not drinkable.

  • During winter for evading chilblain - please ask your fixer or production manager to check your equipment before leaving the hotel. 

  • Take cash with you, only few places accept cards in the cities and during the filming the nearest ATM may be in some 300 km.

  • No cell phone coverage in many places in Yamal

Film permits for filming Yamal peninsula and Salekhard

  • Some places in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are border zones and require a special permit for entering and filming there. The procedure of getting a permit here may take up to 4 weeks.

  • For filming nomadic Nenets tribes it's needed to agree with them the exact place and time of the meeting and of the filming. For contacting them plan 2-3 weeks on preproduction.

  • Drone film permits require 10-15 days

Key locations and landmarks in Yamal peninsula and Salekhard

  • Nenets reindeer nomad herder tribes

  • Transpolar ghost railroad or  "dead road"

Filming equipment rental in Yamal peninsula and Salekhard

  • Filming equipment rental in Salekhard or at Yamal peninsula is not possible (there's no film production in the area). All the filming equipment has to be rented in Moscow or Saint-Petersburg and brought to Yamal by plane. 

Transport services in Yamal peninsula and Salekhard

We can help you building up a logistic plan for your filming at Yamal or Salekhard area. Trucks, vans, helicopters

How to get to Yamal peninsula and Salekhard

  • Flights to Salekhard from: Moscow, Tyumen, Saint Petersburg

  • Flights to Noviy Urengoi from: Moscow, Tyumen

  • If you bring the filming equipment with you - all the customs procedures have to be undertaken in Moscow or Saint Petersburg

Our services in Yamal peninsula and Salekhard

  • Our production managers can build up a project of any complexity in this region. We can help you making a location scouting, planning the logistic, getting filming permits and to reach an agreement with the reindeer herders. Please contact our head office in Saint Petersburg for further information.

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Filming permits for filming at the Russian Arctic
Yamal-Nenets region
Filming reindeers at the Russian arctic
Filming nomadic reindeer herder tribes
Nenets reindeeer sledge riding filming
Filming raw meat eating. Nenets tribes in Yamal
Polar roads in winter in Yamal peninsula
Dead abandoned railroad in Yamal peninsula
Filming nomad nenets tribes in Yamal
The northenmost railroad in the world - polar railroad
Reindeers meting a helicoper in Yamal
Reindeer herding in Yamal peninsula
Filming Salekhard
ATV usage for filiming in the Russian arctic
Filming at the Pechora sea
Hovercraft usage for filming at the arctic region of Russia
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