Filming at the Novosibisk Institute of Genetics and Cytology for a BBC documentary.
In 2019 our fixers and tech department were hired to facilitate a filming in Novosibirsk. We got the filiming permits, arranged the logistics and provided the equipment for the filming.
The location is totally great - a place where hundreds of foxes are divided into groups basing on how aggressive or friendly they are. Surprisingly, some foxes behave incredibly friendly and get their pleasure from contacting humans.

The filming permits at Novosibirsk institute of Genetics and Cytology are not hard to get. The scientists gladly share their knowledge about the domestication process and let you pet these incredible animals.

But even counting with the fact that some foxes are super friendly it takes time to catch them in frame. They prefer to play with the filming equipment.

Most filming equipment for different TV projects in Novosibisk has to be brought from Moscow or Saint Petersburg. Only basic DSLR cameras and LED lights can be rented at local rentals.
For this project we brought the filming equipment from Saint Petersburg, together with an english-speaking soundman.
Due to copyright restrictions we can't share the result of the filming at our website, but it can be easily found at BBC website.

Send us your production request for starting your filming project in Novosibirsk, Russia.
And here's the owner of our company who was the fixer at this filming.
