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Filming in Yakutia at the Lena pillars for NRK TV (Norway)

Our crew organized a filming at a location that has very complex access: the Lena Pillars in Yakutia (Sakha Republic). Our fixers got the required filming permits from the local natural reserve. The permit processing time was around 7 days. The transportation in the area during winer is easier than in Summer: Lena Pillars can be accessed using a winter road that is made over the ice of the Lena River.

The filming itself went smoothly: local hunters showed us the village and told a lot about local life. Important for any production in the area - an interpreter from Yakut language is needed apart from a Russian-English interpreter, as part of the population doesn't speak russian at all.

The production process in Siberia in winter has some special tricks: you need times more batteries than you usually use and with very low temperatures the follow focus systems stop working. This time the weather conditions were very mild and the crew had a great time filming in Yakutia.

The Lena pillars are an amazing location for filming. The visuals for thie show are stunning. You can enjoy the result of the filming of the show “Jorden rundt på seks steg” (Aroud the world in six steps) at the website of the TV channel - here.

Our fixers are looking forward to prepare your next filming in Yakutia! Contact us to get it started!

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